FIRE 10/1/21
Metcon (Time)
For time
FIRE 9/30/21
Jerry (Time)
For Time:
1-Mile Run
2k Row
1-Mile Run
In honor of Sgt Major Jerry Dwayne Patton, 40, died on 15 October 2008 preparing for deployment to Afghanistan.
1-Mile Run
2k Row
1-Mile Run
In honor of Sgt Major Jerry Dwayne Patton, 40, died on 15 October 2008 preparing for deployment to Afghanistan.
Scaling Options:
1. Row: Cut to 1500m or 8:00
Run: Bike 3 miles or 8:00
1. Row: Cut to 1500m or 8:00
Run: Bike 3 miles or 8:00
2. Cut all distance in half
1K Row
800m Run
1K Row
12 Min Alt EMOM
Min 1 – 10 Bent Over Row
Min 2 – 40 Flutter Kicks (2 count)
Min 3 – 10 Front Rack Lunge (Bar or DB)
Min 4 – 20 Hollow Rocks
Min 2 – 40 Flutter Kicks (2 count)
Min 3 – 10 Front Rack Lunge (Bar or DB)
Min 4 – 20 Hollow Rocks
FIRE 9/29/21
Metcon (4 Rounds for reps)
Bike intervals – Every 3:00 for 4 Rounds
15/12 Cal Bike
Box Push or Empty Sled down & back
Box Push or Empty Sled down & back
Metcon (Time)
5 rounds for time
200m Run
9 Hang Power Cleans
15-12-9-6-3 Jumping Pull ups
–Rest 1 Minute After Each Round–
9 Hang Power Cleans
15-12-9-6-3 Jumping Pull ups
–Rest 1 Minute After Each Round–
FIRE 9/28/21
3 rounds
10 DB Bench Press
1:00 Plank hold
20 Dead Bugs (10/side)
1:00 Plank hold
20 Dead Bugs (10/side)
Metcon (Time)
4 rounds for time
15 Wallballs
15 Sit ups
15/12 Cal Row
15 Sit ups
15/12 Cal Row
FIRE 9/27/21
800m Run (Time)
Max Effort 800m Run
3 Rounds
800m Run
–rest 3min–
800m Run
–rest 3min–
*Time goal is <4:00. Try to keep times consistent. Sub 800m row or 2k Bike
Metcon (Time)
Ring Rows or Assisted Pull ups
Devils Press w/ plate
Box Step Over
Devils Press w/ plate
Box Step Over
FIRE 9/24/21
Press + Accessory
4 sets
3 Strict Press (Build to heavy)
6 Rounds of
:20 Bike Fast
:10 Rest
3 Strict Press (Build to heavy)
6 Rounds of
:20 Bike Fast
:10 Rest
Shoulder Press (Weight)
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
10 min amrap
6 Push Press
9 Ball slams
12 Step ups
9 Ball slams
12 Step ups
FIRE 9/22/21
Run intervals
Run: 800m TT
rest 2:00
3-4×400 at 800m pace + 5-10"
1:00 rest b/t.
rest 2:00
3-4×400 at 800m pace + 5-10"
1:00 rest b/t.
800m Run (Time)
Max Effort 800m Run
Metcon (5 Rounds for reps)
On the 4:00 x 5 rounds
15/12 Cal Bike
12 Hang Power Cleans (Bar or DB)
9 Burpees over Bar
12 Hang Power Cleans (Bar or DB)
9 Burpees over Bar
FIRE 9/21/21
4 rounds for quality
10/7 Hand Release Push Ups
20 Mountain Climbers
:30 Side Plank (Each side)
20 Mountain Climbers
:30 Side Plank (Each side)
Metcon (Time)
For time
3 Rounds:
200m Run
10 Wall Ball
200m Run
10 Wall Ball
Directly Into..
1 Round:
30 Wall Balls
400m Run
FIRE 9/20/21
3 rounds
10 Bent over Row
8/arm Single Arm Band Lat Pull down
10 Front Raise w/ plate
8/arm Single Arm Band Lat Pull down
10 Front Raise w/ plate
Metcon (5 Rounds for reps)
5 rounds for reps
1 Min Ring Rows
1 Min Hang Dumbbell Snatch
1 Min Cal Row
1 Min Rest
1 Min Hang Dumbbell Snatch
1 Min Cal Row
1 Min Rest
FIRE 9/17/21
3 rounds for quality
5/side get up sit up
10 db bent over row
10 db front raise + db lateral raise
10 db bent over row
10 db front raise + db lateral raise
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
10 min amrap
15/12 cal row
9 Push press
9 Push press
Rest 5 min
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
10 min amrap
15/12 cal row
9 hang power cleans
9 hang power cleans
9 Push Press
9 Ball Slams
Directly Into…
3 Rounds
9 Bar-Facing Burpees
9 Hang Power Cleans