Fire WOD, September 9, 2021
FIRE 9/9/21
Part 1)
2x 5/leg split stance RDL (Empty Bar or DB’s)
Part 2)
3 x 15 Banded Hip Bridges + 15 Banded Knees out
Deadlift (Part 3) 5×4 )
Dead Stop Deadlifts
– Deadlifts are a movement you’ll see each week as we move through our Base phase. This is a great time to learn the movement and build good tension & position.
– The deadlifts are "dead stop deadlifts." This means that we’ll deadlift the bar, control the bar back down to the floor, and then reset once the bar is back on the floor. The bar should not bounce at all here and should not be dropped from the top.
Metcon (Time)
For time
1500/1200m Row
1200m Run (Sub 3k bike)
1200m Run (Sub 3k bike)
–Rest 3 Minutes–
1000/800m Row
800m Run
–Rest 3 Minutes–
500m Row
400m Run