Fire WOD, July 31, 2021
FIRE 7/31/21
Metcon (Time)
For time with a partner
100 Cal Bike
50 Hang Clean and Jerk
80 Cal Bike
40 T2B (sub: Hanging Knee Raise or V ups)
60 Cal Bike
30 Ball Slams (35/25#)
40 Cal Bike
20 Devil’s Press (20/10)
20 Cal Bike
10 Clusters (DB or Bar)
50 Hang Clean and Jerk
80 Cal Bike
40 T2B (sub: Hanging Knee Raise or V ups)
60 Cal Bike
30 Ball Slams (35/25#)
40 Cal Bike
20 Devil’s Press (20/10)
20 Cal Bike
10 Clusters (DB or Bar)