Fire WOD, July 28, 2018
FIRE 7/28/18
Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)
Conditioning: 3 rounds of
400m Run, rest until 3:00
200m Run, rest until 5:00,
100m run, rest until 6:00
400m Run, rest until 3:00
200m Run, rest until 5:00,
100m run, rest until 6:00
All hard efforts. Record your 400m times.
2-3 Rounds of
30yd lateral band walk
30 mountain climbers w/ feet on sliders
30 hollow rock or tuck crunch
30yd lateral band walk
30 mountain climbers w/ feet on sliders
30 hollow rock or tuck crunch
Metcon (Calories)
Every 3:00 for 4 rounds:
:45 bike fast
30 yard sled push (mod+)
15 wall ball shots
:45 bike fast
30 yard sled push (mod+)
15 wall ball shots