Fire WOD, July 20, 2021

FIRE 7/20/21

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Gymnastics Conditioning

Strict Press @50% of 1RM
*On the Minute – 5 Toes to Bar (Sub Hanging Leg Raise or sit ups)

–Rest 2:00–

Max Wall Climbs (Sub single arm split jerk, alternate every 5 reps)
*On the Minute – 5 Toes to Bar (sub hanging leg raise or sit ups)

*Start each AMRAP with T2B

Metcon (10 Rounds for reps)
On the 3:00 x 10 Rounds:

Odd – 500/450 Meter Row
Even – 400 Meter Run

Goal is to keep your times consistent so pace accordingly. Time Goal is 1:45, cap is 2:10 each round. If you hit time cap or need less volume, take a few rounds off or cut to 6 total rounds.

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