WOD Fire WOD, July 2, 2021 FIRE 7/2/21 Metcon (Time) Alternating On The 1:30 x 12 Minutes (4 Rounds): Interval 1: 2 Jumping Pull up w/ :03 sec Negatives 4 Strict Pull-Ups (Can be assisted) 2 wall climbs or :30 HS Hold Interval 2: Down & Back (Length of the rig) double OH Carry (use db or kb, make it tough!) Metcon (Time) 21-15-9 KB Sumo DL High Pull V Up sit ups Cal Row Share This Post jdeast Related Post
2 Jumping Pull up w/ :03 sec Negatives
4 Strict Pull-Ups (Can be assisted)
2 wall climbs or :30 HS Hold
Interval 2:
Down & Back (Length of the rig) double OH Carry
(use db or kb, make it tough!)