Fire WOD, December 20, 2018
FIRE 12/20/18
Metcon (Calories)
16 min emom
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
20 min amrap with a partner
8 single arm DB clean & jerk(4 unbroken each side)
10 squat jumps (can hold light medball to add intensity)
12/8 cal bike
10 squat jumps (can hold light medball to add intensity)
12/8 cal bike
Alternating rounds
Min 1 = :45 Ski Erg
Min 2 = :30 bench press with 3 second negative
Min 3 = 15 banded hip bridges with db
Min 4 = 30 yard OH carry
Score is total cals on ski erk