**Split work as needed between partners. Runs must be at least 400s. No 200s, 100s, etc.**
**Sub 20 pullups/20 pushups per round if not doing rope climbs. If one person is doing ropes, and the other partner is not, that partner needs to do 10/10 per round**
4 rounds:
6 Rope Climbs
10 Clusters (135/95)
1 mile run
**Split work as needed between partners. Runs must be at least 400s. No 200s, 100s, etc.**
**Sub 20 pullups/20 pushups per round if not doing rope climbs. If one person is doing ropes, and the other partner is not, that partner needs to do 10/10 per round**
Goal – 32:00
Cap – 40:0