CrossFit All Levels WOD, October 6, 2018

Crossfit 10/6/18

Metcon (Time)
For time with a partner

200m OH Plate Carry (both partners carry a plate)
50 Back Squat (partner holds handstand)
50 Push ups (partner holds plank)
50 Calorie Row (partner holds bar O/H)
50 Deadlift (partner holds hollow)
50 KB Swing (parther holds front rack)
200m Barbell Carry (partner carry….in line, NOT SIDE BY SIDE)

Barbell Weight (135/95)

Carry the plates that you will load on your bar. For example, team of guys will carry 45# plates each, and then load them once they come in for the remaining part of the wod.
(carry barbell together)

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