CrossFit All Levels WOD, June 23, 2018
CrossFit 6/23/18
12:00 Emom
Min 1 – 2/1 Rope Climb / rope lower
Min 2 – 30 yd sled push
Min 3 – couch stretch
Min 1 – 2/1 Rope Climb / rope lower
Min 2 – 30 yd sled push
Min 3 – couch stretch
Metcon (Time)
For Time with a Partner:
800m Run
30 Squat Cleans (135/95#)
30/25 Push ups each (partner holds plank)
800m run
20 squat cleans
20/15 push ups each (partner holds plank)
800m run
10 squat cleans
10/5 push ups each (partner holds plank)
800m Run
30 Squat Cleans (135/95#)
30/25 Push ups each (partner holds plank)
800m run
20 squat cleans
20/15 push ups each (partner holds plank)
800m run
10 squat cleans
10/5 push ups each (partner holds plank)
Partion Run and cleans as needed, scale clean to 60%