CrossFit All Levels WOD, December 13, 2019
CrossFit 12/13/19
Front Squat (Pausing front squat )
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
18 min amrap
200m Run
4 Front Squats (155/110) – 65%
4 Front Squats (155/110) – 65%
**Goal – 7 Rounds**
**HSPU are UNBROKEN – if you break, you are done for the round. For example…round 5 you only do 4 hspu and then break. Round is over, and your new number is 4 hspu (and no longer rx). If you get a few rounds at 4 and then have to break after 3, 3 becomes your new number, etc. NO EXCEPTIONS!!!!!!! Seriously…none…
1 Tempo Front Squat
3 Seconds Down
3 Seconds Bottom Pause
3 Seconds Stand
**All rounds performed at or above 70% 1rm**