FIRE 7/9/21
Metcon (Calories)
Every 3 min x 4 rounds
Metcon (Time)
For time
Hang DB Snatches (sub ball slam)
Goblet Squats
Hang DB Snatches (sub ball slam)
Goblet Squats
–20/15 Cal Bike–
Hang DB Snatches (sub ball slam)
Goblet Squats
–20/15 Cal Bike–
Hang DB Snatches (sub ball slam)
Goblet Squats
FIRE 7/8/21
FIRE 7/7/21
Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)
3 rounds for reps
9 Strict Pull ups (assisted or negatives)
3 Wall Climbs
9 Strict Pull ups (assisted or negatives)
3 Wall Climbs
Metcon (Time)
For time
Row Cal
Bike Cal
–100m Farmer’s Carry (50’s/35’s)–
800/600m Run
–100m Farmer’s Carry (50’s/35’s)–
Row Cal
Bike Cal
Row Cal
Bike Cal
–100m Farmer’s Carry (50’s/35’s)–
800/600m Run
–100m Farmer’s Carry (50’s/35’s)–
Row Cal
Bike Cal
FIRE 7/6/21
Metcon (Calories)
Row Intervals
1:00 mod + :30 ez
:45 fast + :30ez
:30 faster + :30ez
:15 fastest + 1:00 rest
:45 fast + :30ez
:30 faster + :30ez
:15 fastest + 1:00 rest
Metcon (Time)
For time
20 Front Squats
20 Lateral Burpees
20 Push Presses
20 Lateral Burpees
20 Thrusters
20 Lateral Burpees
20 Push Presses
20 Lateral Burpees
20 Thrusters
FIRE 7/3/21
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
0:00 – 10:00
Run 1 Mile
Time Remaining,
Max Power Clean and Jerks
Time Remaining,
Max Power Clean and Jerks
— Rest 3:00 —
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
13:00 – 20:00
Run 800 Meters
Time Remaining,
Max Slam Ball over shoulder (50/35#)
Time Remaining,
Max Slam Ball over shoulder (50/35#)
— Rest 3:00 —
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
23:00 – 27:00
Run 400 Meters
Time Remaining,
Max Thrusters
Score: Total reps on barbell
Time Remaining,
Max Thrusters
Score: Total reps on barbell
FIRE 7/2/21
Metcon (Time)
Alternating On The 1:30 x 12 Minutes (4 Rounds):
Interval 1:
2 Jumping Pull up w/ :03 sec Negatives
4 Strict Pull-Ups (Can be assisted)
2 wall climbs or :30 HS Hold
2 Jumping Pull up w/ :03 sec Negatives
4 Strict Pull-Ups (Can be assisted)
2 wall climbs or :30 HS Hold
Interval 2:
Down & Back (Length of the rig) double OH Carry
(use db or kb, make it tough!)
Metcon (Time)
KB Sumo DL High Pull
V Up sit ups
Cal Row
V Up sit ups
Cal Row
FIRE 7/1/21
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
12 Min Alt EMOM
Odd – Dynamic Pushups
Even – 150m Run (to street & back)
Even – 150m Run (to street & back)
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
25 min amrap
50 Synchro Squats
200m Run (together)
40 Alt Burpees
200m Run (together)
30 Synchro Pushups
200m Run (together)
20 Alt Box Jumps or Step Ups
200m Run (together)
10 Thrusters (5 each)
200m Run (together)
200m Run (together)
40 Alt Burpees
200m Run (together)
30 Synchro Pushups
200m Run (together)
20 Alt Box Jumps or Step Ups
200m Run (together)
10 Thrusters (5 each)
200m Run (together)
FIRE 6/30/21
3 rounds for quality
20 GHD (sub medball sit ups)
10 Double DB Bent over Row
2 TGU each arm
3 Rope Lowers or 9 Supine Ring rows
10 Double DB Bent over Row
2 TGU each arm
3 Rope Lowers or 9 Supine Ring rows
Metcon (Time)
For time
30 Wallballs
800m Run
30 Alt HangDB Snatch
600m Run
30 Alt Hang DB Snatch
400m Run
30 Wallballs (20/14)
800m Run
30 Alt HangDB Snatch
600m Run
30 Alt Hang DB Snatch
400m Run
30 Wallballs (20/14)
FIRE 6/29/21
Every 2:00 for 5 Rounds
15/12 Cal row
3/2 Wall climbs (Sub 12/9 HRPU)
3/2 Wall climbs (Sub 12/9 HRPU)
Metcon (Calories)
AMRAP 5:00 – 3 Rounds
15 Hanging knee raise
9 Hang Clean and Jerks
Time Remaining: Max Cal Bike
9 Hang Clean and Jerks
Time Remaining: Max Cal Bike
Rest 5 Minutes
Metcon (Calories)
AMRAP 5:00 – 2 Rounds
12 Jumping Pull-ups or Ring rows
9 Power Clean and Jerks
Time Remaining: Max Cal Bike
9 Power Clean and Jerks
Time Remaining: Max Cal Bike
Rest 5 Minutes
Metcon (Calories)
AMRAP 5:00 – 1 Round
9 Stict Pull Ups or Negatives
9 Power Clean and Jerks (Add weight if possible)
Time Remaining: Max Cal Bike
9 Power Clean and Jerks (Add weight if possible)
Time Remaining: Max Cal Bike
FIRE 6/28/21
Metcon (Weight)
10 min alt. Emom
Odd – 10 Goblet or DB Front Squats
Even – 15/12 Burpees
Even – 15/12 Burpees
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
15 min amrap
100 Double-unders (Sub 200 Singles or 200m run)
50 Walking Lunges
25/20 Cal Row
50 Walking Lunges
25/20 Cal Row
200m run