FIRE 5/7/21

3 rounds for quality

8/leg Romanian deadlift (single leg)
10 lateral banded walks- both directions
1:00 plank
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
10 min amrap

10 box jump overs
10 alt. Hang DB snatch

FIRE 5/5/21

5 rounds

– 10 Banded Hip Bridges
– 5 Deep KB Squats with :05 Hold at Bottom
(Straddle 2 small boxes or stacks of 2-3×45# plates; hold kb at waist and squat down into deepest squat with upright torso and glutes engaged)
Metcon (Time)
For time

400m Run
–rest 1 min–
30 Power Cleans (can be hang)
–rest 1 min–
400m Run
–rest 1 min–
30 Front Squats or Goblet Squats
–rest 1 min–
400m Run
–rest 1 min–
30 Med Ball Cleans or Hang DB Squat Cleans

FIRE 5/4/21

Every 3:00 X 4 rounds

20/15 Cal Bike fast
10 Burpees
Metcon (Time)

Pull Ups or Ring Rows
Push Press
Cal Row

FIRE 5/3/21

10 min emom

Odd- 15/12 cal row
Even-3 wall climbs or 20 Mountain Climbers
Metcon (Time)
5 rounds for time

10 Lunges
20/15 Wallballs (20/14)
30/20 Situps

FIRE 4/28/21

800m Run (Time)
Max Effort 800m Run

Rest 3:00
400m Run (Time)
Max Effort 400m Run

3x 400m (:05-:10 faster than 800m pace)
Rest 2:00 b/t

Record slowest time (put splits in notes)

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
5 min amrap

500/400m Row buy-in
30 DU or singles
5 Ball slams (35/25#)
–rest 5:00–
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
5 min amrap

500/400m Row buy-in
30 DU or 45 singles
10 hang db snatch
–rest 5:00–
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
5 min amrap

500/400m Row buy-in
30 DU or 45 singles
15 kbs

FIRE 4/27/21

5 rounds – not for time

5 DB Z Press
7/5 Hand Release Push up
10/leg Grasshoppers
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
15 min amrap

10 Lateral Burpees over Barbell
10 Box Jumps or step ups
10 Hang Cleans

FIRE 4/23/21

3 rounds for quality movement

10 DB Bench Press
10/Arm Single Arm DB Row
Metcon (Time)
3 rounds for time

5 Jumping Pull Ups or Ring Rows
10 Burpees to Bar (6" above hands)
15 KB Deadlifts
20 Wallballs

FIRE 4/22/21

Every 2:00 x 5 rounds

20/15 cal row
Metcon (Time)
Murph Prep – 25 min alt. emom

Min 1 – 200m Run
Min 2 – Pullups*
Min 3 – Pushups
Min 4 – Squats
Min 5 – Rest

Score total reps…don’t coun’t runs. Make your weakness a priority and put more focus on that movement.
*Pull Up sub progression: Negatives, Jumping Pull Ups, Assisted pull ups, Ring rows