FIRE 7/22/21

3 Rounds for Quality

10 DB Arnold Press
10 Single Arm DB Row (right)
20 DB Lunges
10 Single Arm DB Row (left)

*DB Row should be heavier weight than press

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
30 min amrap with a partner

15 Medball Cleans
15/12 Pushups
15 Russian KB Swing
15 V-ups

*Partner 1 – works on amrap
*Partner 2 – run 400m
*When p2 returns from run, they continue amrap where p1 left off and p1 runs
*Score total rounds

FIRE 7/21/21

Metcon (Calories)
Bike Intervals

2:00 Moderate Bike (55/45 RPM)
Then, 8/6 Rounds of
:30 Fast (70/60 /RPM)
:30 Easy or Rest
2:00 easy bike or walk
Metcon (Time)
5 rounds for time

10 Thrusters
10 Pullups (Sub Ring rows or jumping pull ups)
200m Run

FIRE 7/20/21

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Gymnastics Conditioning

Strict Press @50% of 1RM
*On the Minute – 5 Toes to Bar (Sub Hanging Leg Raise or sit ups)

–Rest 2:00–

Max Wall Climbs (Sub single arm split jerk, alternate every 5 reps)
*On the Minute – 5 Toes to Bar (sub hanging leg raise or sit ups)

*Start each AMRAP with T2B

Metcon (10 Rounds for reps)
On the 3:00 x 10 Rounds:

Odd – 500/450 Meter Row
Even – 400 Meter Run

Goal is to keep your times consistent so pace accordingly. Time Goal is 1:45, cap is 2:10 each round. If you hit time cap or need less volume, take a few rounds off or cut to 6 total rounds.

FIRE 7/19/21

10:00 Emom – leg intervals

Odd: 14 Reverse Lunges (7/leg)
Even: Sprint to street and back
Metcon (Time)
7 rounds for time

5 Squat Cleans (135/95)
10/7 Cal Bike (150m run…to road and back)

FIRE 7/16/21

Core Circuit:
4 Rounds of

:30 Side Plank R*
:30 Side Plank L*
:30 Suitcase Crunch
:30 Mountain Climbers
1:00 Rest

*Focus on squeezing the elbow that is on the ground down to your side, like a side crunch to add more tension

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
15 min amrap

30 D/U / can sub plate or line jumps
15/12 Cal Row
–10 Wallballs (20/14)
30 D/U
15/12 Cal Row
–20 Wallballs (20/14)
30 D/U
15/12 Cal Row
–30 Wallballs (20/14)

*continue adding 10 wallballs each round

FIRE 7/15/21

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Gymnastics Strength:
10:00 Emom

Odd: Max Strict Pull Ups (Sub Negatives or Assisted Pull Ups)
Even: :30 Hollow Hold or Banded Dead Bug
Tosh (3 Rounds for reps)
3 rounds for time

200m Run (rest 1:1)
400m Run (rest 1:1)
600m Run (rest 1:1)
-active recovery today after a tough week
-Sub equal time on row or bike if necessary (200m = :45-1:00, 400m = 1:30-2:00, 600m = 2:30-3:00)
-running clock, you keep track of your own rest/start times. Bring a watch/stopwatch if you have one!

FIRE 7/14/21

Metcon (5 Rounds for reps)
Rowing Intervals – 5 rounds

1:00 Row moderate (2k pace)
:30 easy (long, slow strokes)
:30 Fast (Best pace)
1:00 Rest
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
12 min amrap

15/12 Cal Bike
12 Ball Slams (35/25#)
12/9 HRPU

FIRE 7/13/21

12 Min Alt EMOM (3 Rounds):

Minute 1: 5-10 Strict Hanging Leg Raise or Leg lowers
Minute 2: 8-10 DB Arnold press
Minute 3: 8-10 DB Tricep Extension
Minute 4: 50ft. Double DB OH Walk (sub Med ball OH carry)
Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)
On the 7:00 x 3 Rounds:

200m run, 9 Deadlifts (135/95#) + 9 Burpees
200m run, 7 Power Cleans + 7 Burpees
200m run, 5 Clean & Jerks + 5 Burpees

Time cap is 6:00 each round

FIRE 7/12/21

Metcon (Time)
Every 2:00 for 5 Rounds:

7 Burpees + 125m Sprint (to street and back)

Score is slowest round

Jackie (Time)
For Time:
1000m Row
50 Thrusters, 45#
30 Pull-ups

FIRE 7/9/21

Metcon (Calories)
Every 3 min x 4 rounds

1:00 Row fast
200m run
Metcon (Time)
For time

Hang DB Snatches (sub ball slam)
Goblet Squats

–20/15 Cal Bike–

Hang DB Snatches (sub ball slam)
Goblet Squats

–20/15 Cal Bike–

Hang DB Snatches (sub ball slam)
Goblet Squats