CrossFit 11/11/19
Metcon (Weight)
Clean & Jerk Complete
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
4 min amrap
35/25 Cal Bike
Max Power Cleans (115/85)
Max Power Cleans (115/85)
Rest 4 Minutes
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
4 min amrap
35/25 Cal Bike
Max Hang Cleans (135/95)
Max Hang Cleans (135/95)
Rest 4 Minutes
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
4 min amrap
35/25 Cal Bike
Max Squat Cleans (155/110)
Max Squat Cleans (155/110)
CrossFit 11/9/19
Push / Pull for Pancreatic Cancer (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
20 min amrap
11 Pull Ups
18 Push Ups
3 Dead Lifts (body weight)
200 Meter Run
18 Push Ups
3 Dead Lifts (body weight)
200 Meter Run
FIRE 11/8/19
5 rounds
:30 bike fast + :30 bike easy
:30 plank hold + :30 hollow hold
1:00 rest
:30 plank hold + :30 hollow hold
1:00 rest
Metcon (Time)
5 rounds for time
15/12 cal row
12 t2b or hanging knee raises
9 thrusters
12 t2b or hanging knee raises
9 thrusters
Crossfit 11/8/19
Crossfit Games Open 20.5 (Ages 16-54) (Time)
For time, partitioned any way:
40 muscle-ups
80-cal. row
120 wall-ball shots, 20/14 lb ball to 10 /9 ft.
Time cap: 20 min.
Crossfit Games Open 20.5 Scaled (Ages 16-54) (Time)
For time, partitioned any way:
40 chin-over-bar pull-ups
80-cal. row
120 wall-ball shots, 14/10 lb ball to 10/ 9 ft.
Time cap: 20 min.
FIRE 11/7/19
CrossFit 11/7/19
Front Squat (5 Sets, progressive:)
1 Pausing Front Squat*
1 Front Squat
1 Front Squat
*(3) Pauses:
– 1s at Parallel
– 1s at Bottom
– 1s at Parallel
**Heavier than last week**
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
20 min alternating emom
Min 1 – 10 Thrusters
Min 2 – 15 T2B
Min 3 – 10 Hang Squat Cleans
Min 4 – 15 Ball Slams
Min 5 – Rest
Min 2 – 15 T2B
Min 3 – 10 Hang Squat Cleans
Min 4 – 15 Ball Slams
Min 5 – Rest
Increase bar weight each round
Round 1 – (min 1 thru 5) (75/55)
Round 2 – (min 6 thru 10) (95/65)
Round 3 – (min 11 thru 15) (115/75)
Round 4 – (min 16 thru 20) (135/95
FIRE 11/6/19
Every :15 x 32 rounds
16 of each
16 of each
Odd= 3 bar/ring rows
Even = 3 hand release/ ring push ups
Even = 3 hand release/ ring push ups
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
3 x 4:00 rounds
250m run (3 laps)
20/15 cal bike
Max cal row
20/15 cal bike
Max cal row
Rest 4:00 between rounds
Crissfit 11/6/19
On the 2:00 x 5 Sets:
9 Overhead Squats (115/85)
6 CTB Pull-Ups
1-3 Bar Muscle-Ups
Take OHS barbell from the floor.
6 CTB Pull-Ups
1-3 Bar Muscle-Ups
Take OHS barbell from the floor.
9 OHS (75/55)
9 Pull-ups
9 Push-ups
FIRE 11/5/19
4 rounds for quality
30 yard oh carry (dB/kB)
20 banded hip bridges
10 dB curls
20 banded hip bridges
10 dB curls
Metcon (Time)
5 rounds for time
12/9 cal bike
12 medball cleans
9 push press
12 medball cleans
9 push press
Crossfit 11/5/19
Push Jerk (On the 2:00 x 5 Sets)
3 Push Jerks
Barbell taken from the rack.
**Build to moderate**
Barbell taken from the rack.
**Build to moderate**
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
12 min amrap
15 Push Jerks (115/85)
30 Air Squats
60 Double Unders
30 Air Squats
60 Double Unders
**75 singles
**50% on push jerk
Power Clean + Hang Clean + 2 Jerk