FIRE 12/20/19

Metcon (4 Rounds for reps)
Row 4 rounds for cals

1:00 row mod
:30 fast
:30 easy
:30 fast
:30 mod
1:00 rest
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
20 min amrap with a partner

8/6 cal bike
8 x 1 arm dB hang clean & jerk ( 4 each arm/can also snatch )
10 wall balls
Alternate rounds

FIRE 12/19/19

Metcon (Calories)
12 min emom

Min 1 = :45 ski erg fast
Min 2 = :20 over under + :20 hollow rocks
Min 3 = 1:00 rounded back plank
Min 4 = Rest
16 min emom

Odd= 7/5 hrpu + 2 x 40 yard sprint
Even = 30 yard sled push heavy

CrossFit 12/19/19

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
12 min alternating emom

Min 1: 20 Hollow Rocks
Min 2: 15 V-ups
Min 3: 10 T2B
Min 4: 5 Around the Worlds
Min 5&6: Rest
100 Push-ups (Time)
For time

*Each break*
3×15 yard shuttle (down + back = 1)
3 strict pullups

CrossFit 12/18/19

Push Press (4 x 6)
Rest 2 Minutes Between Sets. Take from the rack. This is the first of a progression. We are aiming to start at 90-100% of our recently completed 10RM Push Press.
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
15 min amrap

60 Double Unders
30 Yard OH Lunge w/ plate (45/25)
10 Thrusters (135/95)

FIRE 12/17/19

4 rounds for quality

8 strict pull ups with 3 sec negative
8/leg elevated single leg hip thrust
8 lying db tricep extension with 3 sec neg

Rest 1:00 between rounds

Metcon (4 Rounds for reps)
4 rounds for cals/reps

1:00 bike fast
1:00 burpees to plate
1:00 tuck crunch with plate

Crossfit 12/17/19

4 giant sets
16 Dips
12 Romanian Deadlifts
8 Pausing Barbell Rows

Rest 2 Minutes Between Sets.

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
4 min amrap

27/21 Cal Row
27 Burpees
27 Chest to Bar Pull-ups

… Rest 4 Minutes

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
4 min amrap

21/15 Cal Row
21 Burpees
21 Chest to Bar Pull-ups

… Rest 4 Minutes

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
4 min amrap

15/9 Cal Row
15 Burpees
15 Chest to Bar Pull-ups

… Rest 4 Minutes

FIRE 12/16/19

Metcon (Calories)
Bike 5 rounds

1:00 moderate
:15 fast standing
:15 easy
:30 fast
1:00 rest
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
10 min amrap

6 goblet squats
9 box jumps or step ups
12 kbs

CrossFit 12/16/19

Back Squat (Weight)
Back Squat Waves (Week #1)
Set 1: 6 Reps (72%)
Wave 1 Set 2: 4 Reps (78%)
Set 3: 2 Reps (84%)

–3 Minutes Rest–

Set 4: 6 Reps (78%)
Wave 2 Set 5: 4 Reps (84%)
Set 6: 2 Reps (90%)

–3 Minutes Rest–

Set 7: 6 Reps (84%)
Wave 3 Set 8: 4 Reps (90%)
Set 9: 2 Reps (96%)

% based off 5RM. +2% from last week
Only rest between sets is enough time for others to squat and weight change. 3 Minutes rest between waves.

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
10 min amrap

6 Power Snatches (95/65)
9 Overhead Squats (95/65)
12 Box Jumps (24"/20")

**Goal – 5 rounds**

CrossFit 12/14/19

Metcon (Time)
4 Rounds For Time (30 Minute Cap)

75/60 Calorie Assault Bike
60 Toes to Bar
45 Power Cleans
30 Power Snatches

Round 1: 115/85
Round 2: 135/95
Round 3: 155/105
Round 4: 175/115

**Goal – get to last snatch bar**