10 rkbs
Rest :30
1:30 amrap
2 shuttle sprints
16 lunges
Rest :30
Score is total
Rounds and reps each round
400m Run, rest until 3:00
200m Run, rest until 5:00,
100m run, rest until 6:00
30yd lateral band walk
30 mountain climbers w/ feet on sliders
30 hollow rock or tuck crunch
:45 bike fast
30 yard sled push (mod+)
15 wall ball shots
7 min amrap
Max Clean and Jerks (135/95)
Rest 3 Minutes
6 min amrap
Max Power Snatches (115/80)
Rest 3 Minutes
5 min amrap
Max Thrusters (95/65)
**Bike Alternatives**
100/70 Calorie Row
80/60 Calorie Row
60/40 Calorie Row
15×100 Meter Sprints (5 Each)
12×100 Meter Sprints (4 Each)
9×100 Meter Sprints (3 Each)
:20 rest
:20 handstand or rounded plank hold
:40 rest
Score is total cals
10 push press
10 renegade rows (5/arm)
Can use bar for push press if there are not enough db’s
5 Second Negative, 2 Second Pause in bottom.
Sets 1-2 – 63%
Sets 3-4 – 66%
Sets 5-6 – 69%
Record heaviest successful lift
12 Toes to Bar
**Similar to yesterday but we are scoring slowest round. T2b should be done in 2 sets or less. Scale back reps as needed. Goal each round < 2:30
15 banded tri extensions
20 banded cha cha squats
2:00 row or run, moderate
15 jumping squats
9 push ups
Record slowest round
14 Wallballs
7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Deadlifts (225/155)
**no measure. this is for completion.
Even – :45 burpees
Two scores: total cals and total burpees
10 strict knee raises or toes to post
Odd Minutes – 15 Burpees
**This is meant to be challenging. Pick numbers athlete can hit within :45 secs, giving :15 secs of rest or so
Sets 1-2 – 65%
Sets 3-4 – 68%
Sets 5-6 – 71%
Sets 7-8 – 74%
10 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
Goal – 7:00
Cap – 12:00
Score is total cals