CrossFit 9/8/18

Metcon (Time)
For time

30 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
800 Meter Run
15 Power Snatches (135/95)
800 Meter Run
15 Power Snatches (135/95)
800 Meter Run
30 Chest to Bar Pull-ups

FIRE 9/8/18

Metcon (Calories)
Bike and Run

Every 4:00 for 4 rounds
1:00 bike + 400m run
Score is cals on bike
Metcon (Time)
Every 3:00 for 5 rounds

2 shuttle sprints
10 burpees + devils press
10 v-ups
Score is slowest round

Devils Press : click here

FIRE 9/7/18

Metcon (Calories)
5 rounds

:40 mod
:20 fast
1:00 rest
Score is total Cals
Metcon (Time)
For time

1k row
3 rounds
200m run
15 medbal cleans
10 push ups
Then 1k row

1k is capped at 4:30

1000m Row (Time)
Max Effort 1000m Row

Crossfit 9/7/18

Clean and Jerk Complex (Weight)
On the 2:00 x 7:
Hang Power Clean
Hang Squat Clean
Push Jerk
Split Jerk
Metcon (Time)
For time

1,000 Meter Row

Directly into…

3 Rounds:
21 Deadlifts (135/95)
15 Barbell-Facing Burpees
9 Push Jerks (135/95)

1000m Row (Time)
Max Effort 1000m Row
Hang Power Clean (Weight)
Hang Clean (Weight)
Push Jerk (Weight)
Split Jerk (Weight)

FIRE 9/6/18

Metcon (4 Rounds for reps)

Every 4:00 for 4 rounds
500/400m row
Record time for each round
20 min emom

Rotating between:
A = :30 battle ropes
B = 20 DB lunges (front rack or held at your sides)
C = :30 wall climb or handstand hold
D = 15/12 DB curls

Crossfit 9/6/18

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
4 rounds

**New round every 2 min**
1:30 work / 0:30 rest
Run 200m + HSPU in remaining time
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
15 min amrap

30 Double Unders
15 Power Cleans (115/80)
30 Double Unders
15 Toes to Bar

FIRE 9/5/18

10 min emom

Sled push
Start at mod weight 90/50/30#
Add 30/20# each min for the first 5 rounds then drop 30/20# each min back down
Metcon (2 Rounds for reps)
Every 3 min for 5 rounds

250/200m run
10 thrusters
7/5 pull ups
Record slowest and fastest rounds

Crossfit 9/5/18

Thruster (1 x 3)
Build to a heavy set of 3
From the ground
Metcon (Time)
2 rounds

400 Meter Run
21 Thrusters (95/65)

**The weight athletes choose here is something that they know they can complete with a maximum of one break each set. If athletes are on the fence about weight, it is better to go too light and unbroken than too heavy with multiple breaks.**

FIRE 9/4/18


600m (3 min cap)
Rest 1 min
2 x 400m (2 min cap)
Rest 1 min between
3 x 250m / 200m
Rest 1 min between
Increase pace each rep
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
15 min amrap

20/15 cal row
15 sit ups
10 burpee step ups

Crossfit 9/4/18

Back Squat (All Sets completed “On the 3:00” (+2% from last))
6 Reps @ 76%
4 Reps @ 81%
2 Reps @ 86%
6 Reps @ 78%
4 Reps @ 83%
2 Reps @ 88%
6 Reps @ 80%
4 Reps @ 85%
2 Reps @ 90%
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
13 min amrap

60 Hang Dumbbell Snatches (50/35)
50 Wallballs (20/14)
40/30 Calorie Row
30 Burpee Box Jumps (24/20)