Fire WOD, June 29, 2021
FIRE 6/29/21
Every 2:00 for 5 Rounds
Metcon (Calories)
AMRAP 5:00 – 3 Rounds
15 Hanging knee raise
9 Hang Clean and Jerks
Time Remaining: Max Cal Bike
9 Hang Clean and Jerks
Time Remaining: Max Cal Bike
Rest 5 Minutes
Metcon (Calories)
AMRAP 5:00 – 2 Rounds
12 Jumping Pull-ups or Ring rows
9 Power Clean and Jerks
Time Remaining: Max Cal Bike
9 Power Clean and Jerks
Time Remaining: Max Cal Bike
Rest 5 Minutes
Metcon (Calories)
AMRAP 5:00 – 1 Round
9 Stict Pull Ups or Negatives
9 Power Clean and Jerks (Add weight if possible)
Time Remaining: Max Cal Bike
9 Power Clean and Jerks (Add weight if possible)
Time Remaining: Max Cal Bike
3/2 Wall climbs (Sub 12/9 HRPU)