Fire WOD, June 24, 2021
FIRE 6/24/21
12 min alt. Emom
Metcon (Time)
For time with a partner
1 Mile Run (alternate 400s)
80/60 Pushups (alternate every rep…hold top of plank)
80 Alternating Wallballs (pass to partner every rep)
80 Medball Situps (pass over 20" box)
80 Alt Hops over PVC (20"…hold pvc on box with plate)
1 Mile Run (alternate 200s
80/60 Pushups (alternate every rep…hold top of plank)
80 Alternating Wallballs (pass to partner every rep)
80 Medball Situps (pass over 20" box)
80 Alt Hops over PVC (20"…hold pvc on box with plate)
1 Mile Run (alternate 200s
Even – 16 Russian KB Swing