Fire WOD, October 29, 2020
FIRE 10/29/20
12 alt. emom
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
30 amrap with a partner
100m plate carry (45/25)
**partner hangs from rig**
**5 burpees together when they get back if
partner drops early**
15 Squats Holding Plate
**partner holds plank**
**5 burpees together immediately if partner
breaks plank before squats are finished
20 Plate G2O
**partner holds handstand**
**5 burpees together immediately if partner
breaks hs before g2o are finished
**partner hangs from rig**
**5 burpees together when they get back if
partner drops early**
15 Squats Holding Plate
**partner holds plank**
**5 burpees together immediately if partner
breaks plank before squats are finished
20 Plate G2O
**partner holds handstand**
**5 burpees together immediately if partner
breaks hs before g2o are finished
**Each run counts as 1 rep (2 per round….1 for each partner)
**When partner breaks hold, both stop, do their 5 burpees and continue until reps are finished. Then, switch or move to next movement. If break happens during runs, both do burpees when partner returns from run. Then, switch or move to next movement
Min 2: 20 Lunges
Min 3: 100m Run