Fire WOD, March 5, 2020

FIRE 3/5/20

Pull-up / Dip complex (AMRAP – Reps)
Metcon (Time)
Double Karen with a Twist and a Partner

300 wallballs for time

**Every drop, complete;
5 Burpees
10 yard lunge w/ med ball
100m run w/ med ball

**Partner 1 starts…does wallballs until they have to break. Then they complete the burpee/lunge/run penalty. Once they are back with the ball, partner 2 starts on wallballs.

**Wallballs do no have to be broken up evenly. For example…partner 1 does 30 wallballs, and has to drop then partner 2 only gets 22. Totally ok. Partner 1 may dislike partner 2, but it’s ok nonetheless.

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