Fire WOD, August 27, 2018
FIRE 8/27/18
Metcon (Calories)
Every 2:00 mins for 10:00
Metcon (Distance)
5 min amrap
600m run
1 round of cindy
Max empty sled push
1 round of cindy
Max empty sled push
Rest 5 mins
Metcon (Distance)
5 min amrap
400m run
2 rounds of Cindy
Max sled push 90/60#
2 rounds of Cindy
Max sled push 90/60#
Rest 5 mins
Metcon (Distance)
5 min amrap
20m run
3 rounds of Cindy
Max sled 180/140/90#
3 rounds of Cindy
Max sled 180/140/90#
Record cals