CrossFit All Levels WOD, June 4, 2018
Crossfit 6/4/18
12 min emom
Chest-To-Bar Pull-ups (Max reps)
Push-ups (Max reps)
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
10 min amrap
3 Bar M/U/sub 6 chest to bar
10 Hang Snatch (95/65)
30 Air Squats
10 Hang Snatch (95/65)
30 Air Squats
Goal – 4 Rounds
Even – Dynamic Pushups
Pick a number you can hit each round and stick with it. Pullups are unbroken. If you drop, you’re done.
Goal – 8 pullups/5 pushups (inside+outside=1)
No score on emom but record your reps seperately for the pull-ups and push ups