Fire WOD, May 19, 2018
FIRE 5/19/18
EMOM for 10:00 – sprint!
Min 1-3: 2x30yd
Min 4-7: around the cones
Min 8-10: 30yd, starting on the ground
Min 1-3: 2x30yd
Min 4-7: around the cones
Min 8-10: 30yd, starting on the ground
Metcon (Calories)
Every 1:30, for 5 rounds of each, rotating between:
1:00 row fast
15 yd plate push + 12/10 wall balls + 15yd plate push
1:00 row fast
15 yd plate push + 12/10 wall balls + 15yd plate push
Score is total calories rowed